Reviewing Our Time With 5 Twitch Streams in a Month!

Today we recap the last 5 weeks worth of interviews!  We usually do a follow up recap after each interview, but got into a heavy succession of interviews, which was great!  We recap a few Twitch streamers.  We interviewed Vovin Akame, LastxFantasy, Turfindiel, The Cheesy Dad, and Bjorn the Silencer.  

Each content creator brought their own unique vantage point to the streamer community.  There were some focuses on community, streamer burnout, networking with groups, Indie games, and of course a large influence of Lord of the Rings inspiring many!

Follow both Alex and Jeremy on Twitter for updates and feel free to interact with us.  We are both very responsive and love feedback, so hit us up!  The Facebook page is a great way to continue the discussion!

Twitter Handles:

Alex: @DiabolicTutor01 
Jeremy: @jeremycunnings1
In Bed By 9:  @InBedBy9Podcast

Twitch Channels:


Facebook community page:

If you are interested in appearing on the show, please reach out to us.  DMs are open, so slide in.